The Creative Collective
Welcome to our open studio art group
We focus on strengthening our experiences of connection and community, building self-observation and consciousness practices, and creating subversive space for rest, play, and authentic self-expression. We come together to cultivate and nurture the practice of Courage, Presence, Playful Experimentation, Nourishment, Non-Judgment, Curiosity, Attention, Visibility, and Care. The group begins with a few moments for arrival, followed by some conversation about what is alive for us at the moment. A big chunk of time is dedicated to art-making and music-listening, with open space for reflection and sharing at the end.
This group is currently paused. Please reach out if you would like to be informed if and when it resumes.
Book Club: Kula Group
‘Kula’ is a Sanskrit word that represents a unifying connectedness; It can be translated as “community,” “clan” or “tribe,” and is used for this group a way of identifying and acknowledging the deep sense of belonging that emerges from the intentional ‘heart tribe’ we form and cultivate.
In gathering, this group creates a safe and protected space to share freely and be witnessed with nonjudgemental attention. Each month we tackle a new book to support our growth and the development of perspective with particular attention given to translating what we gather to real-life practice and constructive expression. We take time each meeting to unpack and discuss our practical experiences through the framework of the book’s message, practicing nonjudgemental attention to integrating our learnings from the previous week through workshopping situations and examples, group feedback and perspective, and exploring the invitation to personal healing and growth. We move through the content of each book in a way that is organic and responsive to our life experiences; Together, we will identify the larger collective themes emerging from our individual experiences, and develop and offer supportive techniques and practices for participants to engage with between sessions.
The intentions of this group are:
to create a safe, open, and intentional space to allow what is ready to be seen to emerge;
to build reflective community through sharing and witnessing each other ‘in progress;’
digesting new learnings, changes, and challenges together;
to practice support, acceptance, and encouragement around discovering and clarifying what is important to you in your life.
This group is currently paused. Please reach out if you would like to be informed if and when it resumes.
““Thank you once again for creating a welcoming, comfortable, safe and rejuvenating space for art making, connection and community. I count down the days in my calendar every two weeks for Art Group. It is the highlight of my month, twice a month!” ”